More About Electrolysis Treatments

You may feel like you are alone in having unwanted hair, but you're really not. Believe it or not, your hair problems are probably typical. There are many reasons people - both men and women - turn to electrolysis as the best way to remove hair. No matter what the specific problem area, age, gender, hair or skin type, hair colour or skin colour - you have plenty of company and electrolysis can help. Every day, people just like you choose electrolysis as a permanent, safe, and effective solution.

For breast and sensitive areas:

Professionally performed electrolysis, safely and permanently, eliminates unwanted hair from the breasts and other sensitive areas with unsurpassed results.

For curly, wavy or coarse hair:

Electrolysis can help address common issues arising from curly, wavy or coarse hair. Ingrown hairs, raised bumps and darker skin areas are common problems for people with these types of hair who use temporary hair removal methods such as tweezing.

Why is curly or coarse hair a problem?

Curly hair is more prone to become ingrown or cause raised bumps on your skin. Coarse hair gets stuck underneath the skin. Attempting to manage these problems by temporary methods such as depilatories, shaving, or tweezing can just make them worse, causing scarring or discoloured areas. These methods are very hard on your skin.

Who has curly, wavy or coarse hair?

If you have dark skin, you have a higher likelihood of having this type of facial or body hair, but it can appear with any skin tone. Straight hair can also become ingrown.

What does electrolysis do about it?

Electrolysis safely and permanently removes ingrown hairs and the curly, coarse hairs that tend to damage your skin without creating issues that occur with tweezing and other temporary methods of hair removal.

For darker skin:

Dark skin is a challenge for some hair removal methods, but not for electrolysis. If you've heard that your skin tone means that you are not a candidate for hair removal treatments, then you need to speak to an electrologist. Electrolysis is effective on all skin colours and types of hair.

Does electrolysis work on dark skin?

Yes. Your electrologist looks for the opening where the hair emerges from the skin. They do not need a significant difference in between the colour of the hair and the colour of your skin to do this. No matter what colour of skin and hair you have, electrolysis works.

Will electrolysis treatment cause dark spots on my skin?

Temporary, hyperpigmentation (dark spots), is the darker skin equivalent of the temporary redness, sometimes experienced by those with lighter skin. If you have been tweezing the hair, the irritation from that can also cause dark spots. These dark spots are a sign that the skin is doing its job and healing the irritated area; they will fade over time. Do not use a bleaching cream on these areas as this can cause light spots (hypopigmentation) when the skin returns to normal.

For hormonal changes or Polysistic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Hormonal changes causing the growth of unwanted excess facial or body hair can be triggered by more than just age or pregnancy. The cause can be related to puberty, menopause, pregnancy, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), an underlying medical condition, your genetic makeup, and even some medications.

Throughout women's lives, hormones fluctuate and can cause hair to grow unexpectedly.

All of a sudden I started sprouting these coarse hairs on my chin. I am only 40 years old. What's wrong with me? At your consultation, your electrologist will take a thorough health history. This will help them figure out a possible reason why this hair came on suddenly. Among the questions will be:

  • Do you have thyroid problems?
  • Are you diabetic?
  • Have you had menstrual or ovarian problems?
  • What medications do you take?
  • Do you have a family history of unwanted hair?

Some studies show women have symptoms of menopause 10 years before they reach menopause. This also could be the cause.

Electrologists cannot diagnose, but they can ask you questions that will help you have further discussions with your General Practitioner. Regardless of the cause, your electrologist can permanently remove the unwanted hair.

I have always had a lot of facial hair. I thought I was the only one, but now I am beginning to wonder - are there others like me?

There are many of us with unwanted hair. There seems to be more of us with unwanted hair than without!

Electrologists cannot diagnose, however, they do recognize what is not normal. If you have PCOS, your electrologist can permanently remove the unwanted facial and body hair.

I have both acne and chin hair. Will electrolysis help?

Chin hair on women can be exacerbated by tweezing and waxing. The repeated irritation from yanking hairs out can result in a larger diameter hair growing from the follicle or ingrown hairs from the breaking off of hairs in the follicle. When women tweeze hairs from their chin and have acne on their chin, but not on the rest of their face, they should find relief from their acne with electrolysis treatments.

Once they have stopped tweezing hairs from the chin and allow the electrologist to properly treat the hair, skin will clear. Hormonally caused facial hair on women usually grows in a pattern, starting with the chin and corners of the upper lip.

What medications cause hair growth?

Many medications can cause hair growth or hair loss. Talk with your pharmacist about each medication you are on and also about how your medications interact.

For teenagers (Must be accompanied by a responsible Adult)

Physical changes that come with adolescence, like thick eyebrows for boys or facial hair for girls, can make a stressful time of life unbearable. If you're a teenager or the parent of a teenager, rest assured that there is a permanent solution for removing excess hair safely, comfortably and conveniently: electrolysis.

As teenagers are coming into their own, physical changes such as unsightly hair can negatively impact body image and self-esteem. For teenage girls, it could be the growth of superfluous hair on the side of the face. For teenage boys, it may be the emergence of thick, bushy eyebrows. Some teenagers feel too embarrassed to speak about their hair concerns, while others go to a parent for advice.

If you are a teenager, or the parent of a teenager, rest assured that there is a permanent solution for removing excess hair safely, comfortably and conveniently: electrolysis.

What is the youngest age for electrology treatments?

 The earliest age for treatment depends upon the motivation of the young person. Most electrologists want to make sure that it is the young person, and not a parent, who is deciding that it is time for electrology treatments. Girls as young as 12 seek treatments to remove hair on their upper lip. Teenagers and even pre-teenagers of both genders receive treatments to define or separate eyebrows. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied to our clinic by a responsible adult.

Can young people tolerate the treatments?

 Yes, new techniques and equipment help reduce the sensation of electrology treatments. A tolerance for the treatments will also come with maturity.

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