Foot Health Treatments

  • Toe nail cutting
  • Ingrowing toe nail/s treatment
  • Treatment for thickened toe nails
  • Fungal nails
  • Callus (hard skin) removal
  • Athletes foot treatment
  • Verruca/s treatment
  • Treatment for corns
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Foot rashes

...and much more

I am also qualified to provide Foot Health Treatment to clients with Diabetes

Verruca/s Treatment

The number of visits required during treatment depends on each client’s foot condition.

Before Treatment

After Final Treatment

Before Treatment - this client had tried a number of times with different treatments and with other professionals but nothing worked. My client had suffered with these two verrucas for over 10 years.

After Treatment - It took a few visits but finally the verrucas have completely gone!

Fungal Nails

Many people develop a fungal nail infection at some point during their lifetime. It is not usually serious, but if left untreated it will spread, can be unpleasant and difficult to treat. Plus, some fungal nails can become very odorous. Some nails can become infected too, then the client will need treating for an infection of the nail.

The fungus develops slowly and causes the nail to become discoloured, thickened and distorted. The longer a person has fungal nail, the longer it will take for it to be treated. The duration of the treatment depends on how severe the fungus is.

Toenails are more frequently affected than the fingernails.

Signs and symptoms of a fungal nail infection

A fungal nail infection may not cause any obvious symptoms at first. As it progresses, the infection can cause:

  • discolouration of the nail – it may turn white, black, yellow or green
  • thickening and distortion of the nail – it may become an unusual shape or texture and be difficult to trim.
  • pain or discomfort most likely will occur particularly when using or placing pressure on the affected toe or finger (i.e. when using a bur to file down the nail, or when wearing certain footwear).
  • As fungal nail progresses, brittle or crumbly nails may occur – pieces may break off and come away completely.
  • A bad odour may also be present to some fungi to the nail.
  • Sometimes the skin nearby might also become infected and be itchy and cracked or red and swollen.
  • As soon as it is noticed, the client should seek treatment to prevent fungus from spreading and taking longer for the nail to correct itself.

Fungal Nail Treatment at the clinic

At our clinic we use the Lacuna Method. This treatment is by far the best effective treatment for killing off the fungus and restoring the nails back to a health condition. It involves drilling tiny micro holes through the nail plate (this sounds far worse than it actually is and we carry this procedure out regularly).

Once the holes have been made, this then allows an antifungal solution to be transported to the area of infection (the nail bed) directly. We will advise you on the frequency and duration of applying the solution and how often the Lacuna holes need to be made during your appointment at the clinic.

This method of treatment is suitable for slightly fungal or very fungal nails. Additional training has been carried out by the Practitioner to carry out this procedure and we have had extremely good results from carrying out this procedure.

If you see a change in your nails, no matter how slight, book into the clinic and we will do the rest!

To find out more, please book a consultation with the clinic, on 07772 175652 or 01905 794245

Before Fungal Nail Treatment - small amount of Fungus presented

After Fungal Nail Treatment - Treatment complete (by carrying out the Lacuna process) in both big toe nails

If left untreated, the fungus will get worse and may spread to other toe nails, and to other people. The photos below show more of our clients currently going through fungal nail treatment at the clinic. The longer fungal nails are left untreated, the worse they will become and the longer it will take for the fungus to die off. Fungal nail can be very contagious.

Skin Conditions (Price as per Foot Health Treatment per visit)

Before Treatment

After Treatment

Plantar Fasciitis

If you want to know more about Plantar Fasciitis please click here.