Treatments - Cost per visit:

Toe Nail Cutting only £20.00

Full Foot Health Treatment, including toe nail cutting, callus (hard skin) remover, treatment of corns or verrucas, in-growing toe nails.

From £28.00

Full Foot Health Treatment (as above), plus Gels or Varnish

(with foot bath £35)

Removal of Gels. £10.00
Manicure plus Gel/Varnish Treatment £20.00
Full Pedicure/Medi-pedicure, Full Foot Health Treatment and Gels or Varnish. £35.00
Foot Paraffin Wax Treatment with Gels or Varnish. £30.00
Foot Health Treatment, Foot Paraffin Wax Treatment. £35.00
Foot Health Treatment, Foot Paraffin Wax Treatment, Gels or Varnish £45.00
Luxury Medi Pedicure, Full Foot Health Treatment, Foot Paraffin Wax Treatment, Gels or Varnish £55.00

Fungal Nail Treatment (Lacuna Method)

First Consultation and treatment

From £35.00 to £80.00

(price includes foot solution)

Additional visits £25.00 to £40.00

Verruca/s Treatment

Adults (18 plus)
First visit, which includes consultation, treatment and solution etc (60 mins) £30.00
Further treatment (45 mins) £25.00
Students (must have proof of study) 10% discount
Children (must be accompanied by a responsible Adult)
First visit £25.00
Follow Up visits £15.00


First Visit and Consultation £35.00
Follow-up appointments £30.00
10% off third visit (from 1st follow up)

Paraffin Wax Treatments

The wax, once applied, will remain on the hands for 15 minutes.

Treatment for Hands £15.00
Treatment for Feet £20.00

All prices subject to appointment viewing

To make an appointment, call the clinic on 07772 175652 or 01905 794245